Monday, 4 June 2012

16 Weeks & 5 Days To Go!!

While that may seem a lot of weeks, it's time to start making some firm decisions. Let's start with the really important ones;

1. Spandex or Crushed Velvet?
2. Bling shaped in a delicate little 'rainfall' formation? Or a Star Wars style, meteor-smashing bundle of glistening rocks???
3. The 'Genevieve' style of shoes with the heart shape on the toe? Or the 'Diane' style with the little diamantes up the heel?
4. 15cm or 18cm across the bum??? Both scare the heck out of me!! Mental note: MUST make waxing appointment one day very soon or I'll be wearing bike shorts!

So while I'm pondering the answers to these mammoth and life-changing questions, I have little time to consider my new daily nutrition guide (sounds so nice when phrased like that! Should really read "My Extremely Tiny Weeny Wee List Of Things That I Can Actually Eat, And When To Eat Them' list!!!). Before you 'x' out of this or roll your eyes at my endless moaning about food, I must point out that I am not looking for sympathy! Absolutely and unequivocally not!! In fact, I was taught once that sympathy should remain firmly between shit and syphilis in the dictionary! Crude maybe, but that's how it is.

I'm more expressing my feelings about this way of life in order to; a) give you all a laugh, and b) not feel alone in my strange quest for muscle.

So this new daily guide is aligned with my blood type. The theory being that your body is more suited to some foods than others, therefore if you follow what your body best needs, it will process the food more easily and produce less problems and/or cravings. Unfortunately I have spent the majority of my life following another blood type!!! Damn!! In my honest opinion, my blood seems to have not had a problem with all of the cheese, milk and yoghurt I've thrown at it! And I have definitely given it enough to really test the boundaries!! But apparently this is not the right thing for me and it's time to stop.

Along with a few changes in food groups, I have had to face my hugest addiction.....FRUIT!! I love it! I crave it! I actually wake up thinking about mandarins and apples and grapes, and never miss an opportunity to stuff my face with some variation of fruit between Woolies and home. It has definitely become out of control and I have searched high and low for a 12 Step Program, without success.

And when I got my new eating plan on Friday I actually, physically said to Rob, "I'm going to start on my new plan on Monday morning. It seems the sensible thing to do." Now those that know me, know I consistently harp on about not waiting to get started on...anything!! The old "I'll wait til Monday" thing turns it into a big event and leads to binging and burning for the days preceding Monday. I hate that thinking and yet there I was, blabbing it off in such an authoritative tone that no one would dared have argued!!

Thankfully within 5minutes of feeling very guilty and trying to justify it all in my mind, I decided that the perfect time to start was right here and now. So I just did it. No pomp and ceremony. No laborious conversations or shopping trips. I just started. Since Friday I have limited myself to; frozen berries in my morning shake (as per my blood type regime - seems my blood doesn't mind berries thank goodness), and a mid morning orange as a great source of carbohydrates and a little smidgin (?!) of fructose sugar!

My danger time is after dinner when I could slip in about 5-8 pieces of ....whatever I could find in the fruit bin. So I'm eating dinner and, as per my program, having a soy milk drink followed by a cup of tea before bed. Nice? It's ok. It's not fruit and never will be. But it will get me to my goal and I can assure you, that's what I want most of all right now!!

Change of topic now. How about the training? Woohoo - back to my big reps, more exercises, routine. Love it and I'm sore and aching all over again!!! Can't tell you how happy that makes me feel! I got a text from one of my PT clients this week saying "I'm glad my pain is making you so happy" and I realised just how sadistic my mind has become. 

The emphasis is strongly on back and legs for now, and cardio is looking to take a big turn in the very near future. So if you see me walking briskly down the bike track, it's not that I've got an injury, it's just that I need to start concentrating on dropping fat while maintaining muscle. Not that easy when doing full-blast cardio sessions on the treadmill. Will keep you updated on this one - it's sure to produce a tirade of moaning from me. Oh well, least it's about something other than food for a change!!

Ok. I need to sort out shoes and outfit right now. Still sitting on the fence about the bling styles. Life is good!

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